
Thursday 1 August 2019

Yo the war still going on - chapter 12

The titles are going to get more and more creative so that you think I'm writing about something else but nope, we're still doing this, I'm still spamming ya'll.

“They say teenagers can sleep all day”. Is this true? Do you agree? Does Ellie still see herself as a typical teenagers?
Well teenage sleep cycle shifts and teens usually go to sleep pretty late at night. This means that they'll sleep till 10am or something so their body is able to rest for long enough. Also I don't think she does but she still thinks in that mindset, if that makes sense.

Ellie’s dream at the beginning of the chapter is rather nonsensical, as dreams are wont to be. Is there any meaning to it? Try and explain what Ellie’s subconscious could be thinking about:
why is her dad cooking for the whole town? Why did Father Cronin ignore Ellie’s greeting? Why was Corrie 8 years old again? Why were they sailing off on a  boat? Why was Lee undressing?
Well her Dad cooking could be her mind looking for something comforting and good so a cookout could be a happy memory for her. I have no idea why Father Cronin is ignoring Ellie's greeting, maybe he didn't see it. Corrie talked about missing being old and often times we find things such as nostalgia comforting. This accompanied by the cook out can comfort her. I don't know why they sailing off on a boat, maybe it's because she wants to sail away from the supposed war. Assuming she's not 8 anymore we all know why Lee was undressing aye, aye.

Why is it so terrible that Chris falls asleep while on sentry duty? How does Ellie react? Why do you think she reacts this way? How does she feel about her reaction later?
Because him falling asleep is the difference between soldiers finding them and them escaping. The way she reacts is completely reasonable because here's a kid that hasn't had to sacrifice himself and has had plenty of sleep. He's being asked to stay awake for just a couple of hours so the others can sleep and he decided to fall asleep. I would also be pissed off if I was Ellie. 

Back in Hell, Ellie’s dreams are far more ominous. Explain why Ellie is dreaming of her fears.
Because she's been through a lot and she's caring a lot of guilt, no doubt will she have some sort of PTSD after this. Also she's in HELL so she's dreaming about her WORST FEARS. See what I did there see that connection I made.

I also might but what I was listening to on spotify just to make this more interesting and like bonus stuff cause there's 22 chapters so... we'll see.

Also I was listening to the Hadestown cast album good.

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