
Monday 12 August 2019

I'M SO CLOSE TO FINISHING - Chapter 19 - 20

What makes Ellie think the soldiers walking past them are professionals?
Because they were descried as acting very efficient in the way they were moving and spreading out.

What do the soldiers fire at in the bushes?
The out here killing a rabbit and being dramatic about it.

What are some clues that the group is starting to think ‘more like soldiers’?
Ellie starts to think about how to take out the armed trucks or how they were starting to think about timing and what other people around them would do. This is described when Ellie goes 'If we were up a tree with rifles,' I thought, ' and one person shot out the spotlight and the others went for the machine gunner [...]'. This showcases how they are starting to plan and use their surroundings.

Do you think Homer’s plan will work? What problems do you think they might encounter?
I think it'll probably work but there are some parts that concern me. Those parts are how they're going to move the vehicle without getting caught, or getting away safely and not getting caught.

What does Homer suggest they do when the group goes up to the Heron?
Homer suggests that they create a bigger version of the lawnmower incident and use that to blow up the bridge and probably some soldiers.

What are his strategies to put his plan into action?
One of his strategies is to get the cattle in the paddock next to where the soldier who guards the bridge is positioned and, somehow, get  the cattle to charge at the soldier who will hopefully run onto the bridge that they plan in blowing up. He also believes that if they light the petrol and escape fast enough then they'll be able to escape on motorbikes.

Why is Ellie nervous about being paired with Fi?
She's nervous because it seems Ellie has a notion that Fi is still a delicate thing that is still not really prepared. Ellie is of course scared but so is Ellie and, as Ellie says, "Fi has improved heaps in that respect [...]".

What is true courage according to Ellie?
Ellie states that true courage is "When you're really scared but you still do it." This means that courage is shown in times when, even though you'd rather not do something, you push through and do it anyway.

Were her concerns about Fi realized? Explain.
I actually have no idea what this question means If it means did Fi show courage? If so, then yes, yes she did. She went around each corner, risking her life and freedom, so they could move this tanker through the streets. She showed courage by being the one on the ground, signalling Ellie when to go even though she was terrified.

What is a clue that Fi’s relationship with Homer is becoming serious?
I mean they said that they love each other over the talkies in front of their friends so I think it's pretty serious. Then again that's just my personal opinion.

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