
Monday 18 September 2017

Kete: kaitiakitanga

Kaitiakitanga means guardinship and protection. In maori views this is typically applied to nature.

A way I could personaly contribute to is by checking for things like palm oil and those plastice beads in face wash products and other things. I can also pick up rubbish that I find and not litter and create a small garden
below is a collage of pictures that come to my mind when I think of Kaitiakitanga

Monday 11 September 2017

Kete breakfast club

What did I learn from this experince?
- I learnt what it takes to orginaize an event

How did I contribute to the success?
- I helped put plates and stuff on table

What else could I have done
- I don't know. I mean all the jobs were being done so there wasn't much to do

What else could I have done to improve the breakfast
- Like I said before there wasn't much to do all the jobs were being done

Did my personality suit my role
- Yes

Where were the weaknesses?
- I don't know. I mean there weren't many jobs to be done unless your role was part of that job but otherwise I don't know

Wednesday 6 September 2017


I don't particularly like gymnastics because I end up worrying too much about what could happen like what if my foot broke or my back and stuff like that. It also hurts.

Today I liked the ease and the basics of gymnastics because I haven't done gymnastics in a  while and also we weren't just thrown into with instructions. We were instead given instructions and the ability to do it at our level. I'm excited about doing the trampoline and the bar next week because I enjoy trampolines