
Thursday 1 August 2019

The war didn't begin tomorrow it happening now - chapter 13

I was just thinking about my favorite OST for a TV show ever is probably We All Lie by Ha Jin for the show Sky Castle. It's very good and I like it a lot.



All the teenagers have a specific role to play in their group. Describe the roles each teenager plays?
Well Homer is obviously the main leader.  Corrie might be communications, like honestly, I don't know other then Homer seems to be the main leader, Lee the comic relief, Robyn the brave one and sacrificial one, Ellie is the idea lady, you know she got all those ideas and plans that she's come up with with her fast thinking. I don't know about the others yet though

According to what the teenagers hear on Corries radio, why would America be best not to get involved in Australia’s struggle?
Cause America makes everything worse. Jokes It's because one of their generals says that it's gonna be a bloody and gruesome war in history if they were to intervene. They also mention that America doesn't like to get involved in things.
Why is Australia being invaded?
Because the invaders want to reduce "imbalances withing the region" which means that they want to even out the playing field about where people live and other imbalances.

A reader can infer many things from the snippet of news heard over Corrie’s radio. Which country or countries are likely to have invaded Australia?
God I don't know. Like I honestly don't know who. I don't think it's New Zealand cause New Zealand almost never gets involved in that type of stuff, not America (refer to 2nd question above), can't be UK because Australia is part of the commonwealth.

How are the prisoners being treated?
At the moment it seems as if the prisoners are just that. Prisoners. They don't seem to be being killed or mistreated in any major way.

What do Kevin and Robyn argue about? Do you think Robyn’s points are fair?
They argue about Robyn seeming to understand the reason for invading but Kevin misinterprets this as Robyn saying that the invasion is ok. I personally agree with Robyn in the way the it's understandable that the invaders probably invaded because of housing imbalance and they haven't done anything to fix it.

I got bored while writing this and watched Eugene's coming out video again and....god damn.....that's the good kush.

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