
Saturday 15 August 2020

I have mixed feelings about certain Christians but then again, who doesn't?

 Preface: I have nothing against most Christians by the way. The Christians I, personally, have met are wonderful people. They’re extremely nice so when you’re reading this, you should know what type of Christians I’m talking about (hopefully). This post/essay is more focused on certain parts of the religion and those reading this should hopefully know what parts/people I’m talking about. So, this is not a personal attack - or an attack at all - on Christians as a whole community. This is more about my thoughts on certain parts/people who are involved with this religion. 

If you’re an avid reader of my blog, you may have noticed that last year I posted my mixed feelings about the Christian religion. I deleted that post roughly 5 days after posting it due to school starting 2 weeks later and being worried I would get in trouble. The reason for this is because I talked about why I had a weird distaste for the Christian religion which includes things such as the “Christian” holidays, the commercialization of the religion, bible thumpers, and megachurches. Since then I’ve still wanted to write something about the religion as I think about it quite often so here I am. That and Mrs. Clemence want me to post more on my blog because she reads it?? Personally, an awful decision on her part as my blog is an absolute mess but ok. 

The most obvious part is the de-Christianization of the Christian holidays. From the only religious holidays that are enforced on us being Christian or the fact that people celebrate Christian holidays after claiming they themselves are atheists. In December 2013, Pew Forum interviewed 2,001 Adults across the U.S asking whether they believed Christmas was a religious holiday. 51% believed it was a religious holiday while 32% didn’t and thought it was more of a cultural holiday. 68% of those believing it was cultural were unaffiliated with Evangelism, Protestants, or Catholicism. This shows how normalized Christian holidays have become, to the point where many consider the holiday cultural rather than religious. Then there is also the time off that these holidays allow. Out of the 10 public holidays that allow time off, 3 of them are Christian (Good Friday, Easter Monday, and Christmas). We get these days off whether you’re Christian which isn’t too bad after all, who doesn’t love a day off. However, speaking from a Jewish perspective, this is unfair to anyone who celebrates any other religion that isn’t Christianity or Catholicism. How come I am able to take off days for holidays I don’t celebrate but have to risk missing school work to celebrate the Jewish High Holidays - Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanna, and the first two days of Pesach. This goes to show how normalized it’s become to celebrate Christian holidays as secular rather than religious holidays. However, some of those that do view it as religious are most likely from the bible belt. 

If you read my connections essay which, if you haven’t, I’m deeply disappointed in you. In that essay, I “briefly” (well, depending on what you consider briefly) mention the “bible belt” states. The “bible belt” is a series of states located mostly in the south of the U.S and are notoriously known for being conservative, right-wing, bible thumpers. If you don’t know, a bible thumper is someone who aggressively shoves their beliefs onto others. These are the people that you typically see picketing outside abortion clinics or pride events while screaming about how you’re going to hell. It’s also important to note that they aren’t only found within the bible belt, it’s just that they tend to be raised or gravitate to these states. Bible thumpers are known for picking and choosing what parts of the bible they preach i.e Yes, God loves all, but only to a certain extent. Rather than believing in God’s message of “Above all, love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins” from Peter 4:8. However, according to bible thumpers, this doesn’t apply if you’re LGBT+, had an abortion, pre-marital sex, etc. Alongside ignoring God’s original message of loving others regardless of sin, bible thumpers also use the bible as an excuse for hating on others. In the end, bible thumpers don’t care for what the meaning of Christianity is, all they care for is an excuse for preaching their harmful beliefs. 

Most televangelists have also lost sight of what Christianity is. Televangelists are those people on the Christian channels that can miraculously cure cancer through the tv screen. Really, it’s incredible. However, oftentimes in order for them to cure your illnesses, they need some of your money or - as they like to call it -  “sowing a seed”. “Plant your seed and change will come,” they say to you from their lounge chair. Unfortunately, this money doesn’t actually contribute to anything. No change, illnesses cured. Instead, the money goes straight into their bank account and is used to buy a variety of things such as Lamborghinis, private jets, and personal yachts. Televangelists preach via scamming their audience. An audience that will usually be in desperate times whether it's financial or not. Televangelists prey on this weakness by exploiting it in order to find the money they need to buy their next house. John Oliver did an amazing episode about it and in the end, he starts his own church which is crack up(

Yea, I don’t know. The Christian religion has always had some parts of it that no other religion really has. Like, you don’t see a rabbi on the Sky TV channel 201 or anything and like, the way Christianity has evolved is just really interesting to think about. Obviously, not all Christians are like this cause the Christians I’ve met are really wonderful people. This is just stuff I think about sometimes. Anyway, I’m gonna go back into hibernation while I wait for my stickers from redbubble.   

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