
Tuesday 21 May 2019

Social Studies: Emigrating from England to New Zealand - Draft

In social studies we are learning about migration with a focus on migrating from England to New Zealand in the 1850's. We had to create someone who was leaving England for New Zealand and write about their experience in some way or form. I decided to write it in the form of a letter.

Dear Eliza

I've finally arrived in beautiful New Zealand and the sky here is so much bluer compared to England's black smog. The boat trip here, however, was absolutely horrendous, the boat reeked of a smell that would make you drop dead if you hadn't already. Talking of dropping dead I believe that there were at least five people who died of some disease or another and the fact that the bunks were 1/2 an inch apart didn't help. Not only that but in the steerage there was constant flooding and the bunks were 1/2 an inch apart. Your form of bedding was a mattress and nothing else, no blankets and no pillows. Alongside this, there was little to nothing to do. The most we had for entertainment was books, chess, and performances conducted by my fellow passengers. Although they put on wonderful performances, if I hear someone say "to be or not to be" again I swear to god I will lose my bloody head. New Zealand really is wonderful compared to England. There's hardly any diseases and, not only that, but it doesn't smell like absolute shit either which is wonderful. I can't wait till you and your Uncle join me here as I believe it will most definitely help his illness, I'm sure of it.

Forever yours, Nancy


  1. Hey Molly, I loved reading your piece, it was straight to the point and kept to the words. Your writing perfectly illustrated the letter. It told many different stories and we knew much about the character even after such a short letter they've written. Maybe next time you could tell us a bit more about the relationship between Nancy and Eliza?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Kia Ora Molly!
    You have written a really nice piece of writing my friend. You made it short and sweet and have used a slight comic twang while still keeping it informative. You have included heaps of information about it's like on the ships. Maybe next time you could go deeper into about why Nancy left England, maybe about "Uncle's illness"? This might add some more background information as to why Nancy is leaving.
    I really liked this writing!
    - Nadia


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